
Showing posts from December, 2023

Holliday et al.'s Gish gallop: Platinum

Holliday et al.'s "comprehensive refutation" of the Younger Dryas impact hypothesis (YDIH) is a highly misleading Gish gallop. An earlier blog post addressed the presence of impact melts and microspherules in the YDB. By themselves, they confirm a cosmic impact at Abu Hureyra near the YD onset. Due to the similarity of debris at the YDB across a wide range of sites, it's likely there were cosmic impacts across a wide area within a short timespan, indicating a singular event. Another blog post examined the presence of nanodiamonds in the YDB. As they occur in the debris layer with microspherules at Abu Hureyra, they are also excellent impact indicators. Kinzie et al. (2014) showed they are likely present in many other YDB layers, along with apparent impact spherules, signalling a widely distributed cosmic impact, circa 10,800-10,900 BCE. The remaining topics to be discussed are, therefore, the presence of platinum at the YDB, and the apparently synchronous timing of