Gobekli Tepe to Ancient Egypt?


Predynastic Egyptian carving (from metmuseum.org)

There are now plenty of clear symbolic similarities between Gobekli Tepe and later 'intercultural' symbols found across Egypt, Mesopotamia, Iran and the Indus Valley. Apart from all the zodiac-like animal symbols, which seem to have informed some of the earliest deities in Ancient Egypt, we have the above figure (in the Met Museum), probably a time-controlling or creation deity, with a double-V neck symbol. We see a similar figure at Sayburc,

which is also probably the same deity as Urfa Man (in Sanliurfa museum),

Both the Sayburc figure and Urfa Man are thought to be contemporaneous with Gobekli Tepe. Note how Urfa Man and the Sayburc figure hold their genitals. We also know that the Ancient Egyptian creator deity Atum, one of the earliest deities known, possibly pre-dynastic, is said to have created the world through masturbation and is associated specifically with the setting sun. So, does the little Ancient Egyptian statuette above represent Atum? Maybe. We also now know, more-or-less, that the double-V symbol represents two days, since Pillar 43 has inscribed on it a calendar, possibly lunisolar, in terms of similar V-symbols,

Note also the Sayburc figure is flanked by animals, similar to the many 'master of animals' scenes found across the inter-cultural region mentioned above. For example, we have this stone 'handbag' from 3rd millennium BCE Jiroft,

Note here the shape, which reminds us of the handbags on the top of Pillar 43, along with similar zodiac-like animal symbols,

What's the chance these similarities, and all the other connections, are just coincidence, especially given that we expect Gobekli Tepe, found near the origin of civilisation, to have influenced its surrounding regions?

Of course, Klauss Schmidt, the first lead excavator of GT was happy to also make these kinds of connections. He made several himself in his publications. He made connections to both Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece. It's only since his death that the 'skull cult' agenda has been pushed by the site's archaeologists, and these cultural connections are now swept under the carpet. Indeed, I suspect Klaus would have been quite happy with my interpretation of Pillar 43.


  1. Here (Horus) = Horia, Harry
    Just went over some names found in a King List (from one of the dictionaries I use).
    Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary, by W. Budge
    And, when properly decoded, these are some well known names:
    Marean (which meant Syrian) – Marian,
    Oanasa (Unas) – Oana (fem name),
    Mihu (reia)
    Maatai (Matei, Matthew),
    Maareya (Maria),
    Anka Reya (Anca, pronounced Anka, fem name),
    Maabtai or Maabti (Maftei, Matei, Matthew),
    Edan( wrongly transliterated Den) = Dan,
    Anat = Ana, Anna

    The method I used is following the patterns - what symbols occur in which circumstances, what vowels are omitted, because they are contained within symbols.
    For instance "sasa" = sase, six
    "St" (sorry, I did not decode this one yet, lack of evidence so far, but the consonants match) = suta = 100

    1. You have no idea how happy I am to see this article!

      There are no coincidences. As I stated above, the link is clear, there is also clear genetic evidence, Egyptians originated from the Black Sea area, definitely had contact with GT people - the vulture is Here (Horus at the horizon).

      Well done for writing this!

      Diana Aten

  2. Oops, I did not mean to reply to myself, I was addressing Prof Sweatman. Apologies for this.

    Bottom line is, I am absolutely thrilled we can finally discuss the real origin of Egyptians and the incredible link to GT, through their old funerary rite- Here (Horus-am-akhat), the vulture, which simply denotes HOW they dealt with the dead- they allowed vultures to feast first.

    Diana Aten

  3. I will be the one who will state why some sweep under the carpet a lot - religion.
    First, this undisputed evidence destroys their claims that the earth is 6000 years old (or flat, and whatever other nonsense they claimed).
    Second, the Vatican asked Champollion not to decode the hieroglyphs - because they copied a lot of concepts from Egypt, with a twist, of course. To serve their own interests. This is why the hieroglyphs have not been properly decoded and I can assure you that I noticed tampering with the dictionaries (the digital versions).
    They made up vowels, disregarding established decoded rules, to avoid exposing the huge fraud of abrahamix (pun intended) religions.
    Also, Von Raztinger claimed is that they tweak the data to fit their narrative (that humans couldn't have been in Europe before 40000 years ago, despite evidence). That's not scientific!
    Also, we must consider that we have no evidence of anything much in Egypt prior to 6000 BCE (around the Black Sea Deluge). I think that following the Black Sea becoming a sea, from a fresh water lake, that the ancient Egyptians migrated to Egypt, but first, they had to go through Anatolia and the evidence of Here (Horus) is there, impossible to dispute.
    It was Europe > Anatolia > Egypt.
    Evidence: DNA, language, symbols (identical to the 40000 years old symbols found all across caves in Europe).

    DIana Aten

    1. Certainly, the 8.2 kyr event is very interesting. 6000 BCE seems to be a very interesting time, in many regions of the world, as I describe in my book. My hypothesis is that the Sphinx might represent a leopard (just as we see at Catalhoyuk) possibly symbolising Cancer, not Leo. I agree, the period before the 8.2 kyr event along the Nile is mysterious. It makes no sense at all that nobody lived there during this period, when, by contrast, we see the flourishing of Early Neolithic towns in the nearby Fertile Crescent. The 'Wild Nile' scenario seems inadequate to me.

    2. Sekhmet, tiger, the stripes are sculpted in the Sphinx.
      She was the supreme deity of the North. It is the link to GT, Anatolia had tigers until 1970s.

      Actually, there is an explanation for lack of inhabitants prior to 6000 - it was the African humid period and the Nile must have flooded far too much and the devastation might have made everyone (if present) leave.

      Diana Aten

    3. Well, there is certainly nothing to indicate a civilisation capable of building the Sphinx or the Pyramids. So, regardless of what really happened, we can conclude those impressive buildings were definitely built after 6000 BCE. Impossible before.

      Diana Aten

  4. Narmer Palette indicates a cult similar to the skull cult of GT - there are even decapitated men with their heads between their legs.
    Horus = the GT vulture, who feasts on the Sphinx (who was Sekhmet, the protector of the North), while Narmer kills the King of the North (Lower Egypt, the Delta area).
    It also depicts the Age of Taurus. The Spinx was built around 3400- 3200 BCE, but it still aligns with your hypothesis.
    Egyptian society, as well as the cultures North of the Black Sea are the only ones who had actual female warriors (another element they have in common). Egypt had Sekhmet and Nefertiti.
    What about GT? This could be a very important link.

    Palermo Stone (right, top corner) depicts a king named "Saka" which is the Egyptian (and later on Persian) name for Scythians - but the Palermo Stone is supposedly older than Scythians (I will not ignore the evidence, though). Saka lived North of the Black Sea.
    The Black Sea is the place of origins of ancient Egyptians, so why would I rule out Saka existence prior to the current belief, since the Palermo Stone depicts a King with that particular name? I would rather look into this and see what truly happened.

    Diana Aten

  5. Besides, the stripes on the Sphinx represent a tiger (Sekhmet was a tiger). There were tigers in Turkey, they went extinct in 1970.

    That is also a very important link to Anatolia and GT...
    There were never tigers in Egypt....

  6. That is why Sekhmet later on becomes a lioness...

    But the Nemes headdress that appears on the Sphinx, along with clearly sculpted stripes on the Sphinx's Nemes, clearly indicate a tiger.
    The ruff around Sekhmet's head is typical for tigers. The stripes of the Nemes headdress depict tiger colours = gold/red with black. They are symmetrical, because Egyptians absolutely loved symmetry and couldn't have random lines painted...It's an artistic convention they had.

    DIana Aten

  7. Bottom line:
    Narmer Palette
    Sekhmet = the Great Sphinx = tiger
    Palermo Stone
    Horus (Here)

    All are linked to Anatolia and GT...

  8. What I find absolutely fascinating is that Sekhmet's myth states she tried to kill all humans, then dimmed the power of the sun.

    That can only happen during a volcanic eruption or an asteroid impact. There is evidence of such an event - Piora oscillation c 3250 BCE – volcanic erruption or meteor/asteroid impact.

    This aligns with the oldest dating of the Sphinx, through thermoluminescence. There are 3 established dates for the 3 tests:
    Granatie - Sphinx temple (which is associated with the Sphinx):
    01. 3100 =/- 540 (3640 - 2540 BCE)
    02. 2740 +/- 640 BCE
    03. 1170 +/- 340 BCE

    the first one, in my opinion, represents the building, around the 3250 BCE. The Sphinx appears on Narmer Palette.
    The second dating represents Khufu's reign, when he did restoration work. This is attested.
    The third one - the attested Dream Stella of Tutmose IV, who did restoration work.

  9. Hi Dr.Martin you may want to read this - https://cassiopaea.org/forum/threads/the-once-and-future-sky-god-from-goebekli-tepe-to-the-zodiac-and-beyond.52093/post-1032743

    1. EU theory? Oh dear. Doesn't seem to be aware of my latest work. And simply dismisses the statistical arguments. If he's so sure of his ideas, he should try to publish in academic journals.

  10. the handbags are AKHET symbol from ancient Egypt. Horizon.


    The vulture is Here (Horus).
    The ducks are symbols for sons/daughters

    At this point, I am absolutely convinced that the 40k year old European symbols, Danube script and GT script made the Egyptian hieroglyphs (same symbolism, artifacts, DNA, and the language is related to the Black Sea, too, when properly decoded).

    The mass migration from the area had several waves, most likely, but as Cucuteni-Trypillia vanished (and the Danube script, too), it appears in Egypt, including pottery - Naqada II.

    Similar male statues can be found North of the Black Sea. Then we find King Saka of Palermo Stone, pre-dynastic indicates his place of origin. There is further linguistic evidence for the term Saka, but this is the oldest attestation, I think. I found it as SKA in an old transliteration, but it is clearly Sa-ka = Saka. The exact word used by Egyptians and other populations to denote the population from the Black Sea. Namely Kurgans.

    The snake symbols = the royal cobra = rebirth, reincarnation and are found in North of the Black Sea, guarding necropolis.

    The male figure could be Ares - Osiris (Ausare, Usare, not certain of the transliteration of the first symbol, but the rest of the name is "?sare". Ares was one of the names widely used in Egypt for Osiris (and since it appears in Greece, too, they had it via the same route - mass migration around 3000 BCE).

    The first mass migration was towards Egypt, it peaked several centuries before Narmer, the second towards West Europe, around 3000 BCE. The mass migration towards Egypt is still mistaken as Egyptian artifacts in Canaan. But the DNA and names tell a different story - a mass migration.

    I think the key to interpretation of the symbolism of GT can be found in Egyptian hieroglyphs, which is clearly made of the Anatolian symbols + Danube script. The 40k year old European proto-script can be found, as I pointed out, which means it has been preserved for long and if they used wood mostly, we have scarce evidence for the symbols (found only painted in caves).

    Diana Aten

    1. And yet Ancient Egyptian is considered an Afro-Asiatic language, not Indo-European. Perhaps the influence is though the earlier proposed Neolithic 'Anatolian' language, which is geographically between both. In my book I make some links with the even earlier proposed Nostratic language. I agree, interpretation of the horizon, or setting sun, symbol seen at GT (the handbags) is supported by both the horizon symbol in AE hieroglyphs and timekeeping symbols in Mesopotamian proto-cuneiform.

    2. I am aware of that, but the grammar is very similar to Romanian and I think Cucuteni_Trypillia was one of the founding cultures of ancient Egypt - the Danube script appears in Egypt (mixed with the symbols found in Anatolia, including GT, which makes me think they're a proto-script)

      . There are plenty of words, including widely known ones that are of European. Names, too. I gave a few examples.

      Ancient Egyptian was placed in Afro-Asiatic language family due to location. The consensus is that it's a language isolate - for short, unrelated to any language in the family.
      Well, I strongly think it is of European origin and DNA tests indicate this, too - ancient Egyptians were of European and Anatolian origin.
      They took the language with them when they migrated.
      I think there was a mass migration around 3500-3000 BCE, which is currently thought as intensive trade. I think Piora Oscillation along with overpopulation in Cucuteni-Trypillia (they had over 2400 settlements found to date, many mega cities for the time).

    3. I must point out something - I can decode the hieroglyphs properly, and, unlike the rest, I don't make up vowels.
      They were not omitted, they were integrated in symbols. That is why they have so many symbols for consonants. Most symbols include a vowel that was placed before/ after the consonant. One needs to trace a symbol in many contexts, to see which vowel appears before/after. In certain cases, vowels appear. And it's usually the same vowel. In case other vowels appear, the case must be examined properly. In some cases, it was due to a form of declination.
      It's really easy to do, but it's time consuming.
      It's similar to cuneiform.
      Romanian has a unique reflexive voice "sa + verb". It appears in Egyptian as "sa + verb".
      These are not coincidences and there are linguists who consider Dacian as the origin of Latin and Sanskrit. I propose Egyptian, too. I don't think it was 100% of Dacian origin - but the grammar and some basic words are strikingly similar. I think Egyptian was a mix between the cultures that migrated into Egypt and that includes Cucuteni-Trypillia, Saka (Kurgans) and Anatolians - and it's what DNA tests also confirm...

  11. Hi everyone. The Vulture Stone is a cartoon map of much of the Levant. The up and down lines in the middle of the pillar are mountains like we drew in elementary school. The largest up and down lines in the exact center of the Vulture Stone is Mt Hermon. The Square Belt is the Beqaa Valley. The Vulture is the Golan Heights (look on Google maps…shaped like a Vulture sitting on weird legs). So much more is on there…from Israel to Turkey to Iraq on the Vulture Stone. I’ve read all the pillars they and are pretty much all cartoon maps. Another example: famous C27 is the Nile (parallel lines), original Lions head Sphinx with long tail to the Nile (beautiful Lion relief), and ancient Fayum (the Boar facing left…see it clearly on Google maps right now). Perfect sequence. Combined, the pillar maps cover the entire “cradle of civilization” between the 5 seas around them. When all 5 seas rose, they knew the world flooded. Those aren’t handbags, they are giant waves crashing down the Mediterranean coast tossing animals on their heads. Maps, flood, comet…and even ties to Genesis.
    My discoveries are on YouTube, link below. They are simple, beautiful, and accurate maps. Cartoon maps are the easiest to use like at Disneyland.
    The pillar enclosures were beautiful map rooms where they discussed harvesting, trade, logistics, communications, defense, etc like we do today with computer screens. The animals represent the mountains and rivers around them. They chiseled terrain on the faces, and rivers on the edges of the pillars…like the Nile. The Jordan and Tigris rivers are on the two edges of the Vulture Stone! Yep. Mind blowing. Enjoy the series…parts 13 and 14 are new and stunning. Cheers!

  12. Almost certainly wrong. I recommend you try creating a statistical analysis and submitting your work for peer review.

  13. We need to clearly establish a link between Europe 40k years ago, Gobekli Tepe and Egypt.
    DNA tests are the answer.
    Max Plank Institute DNA tested 151 Egyptian mummies and concluded they were European and Anatolian and this study is confirmed by many others, including Hawass et al, who DNA tested Dynasty 18 - they were all European and Anatolian by DNA.
    I would like to know if the Ginger mummy has been DNA tested, given the red head and its dating -predynastic. Or at least accurate forensic examination, which would establish the origin (not hard to guess it even without it).
    So, there is no speculation linking Europe, Anatolia and Egypt, and the myths of Egypt have common points to Europe, including the oldest generation of deities, the primordial ones - Nut and Geb. Nut, feminine sky, who is depicted as the night sky. The accurate transliteration is Noatpat/Nuatpat - noapte (Romanian), nacht (German), notte (Italian), etc - all feminine nouns.
    Furthermore, German preserved the expression "fatherland" to denote that primordial male deity found in Egypt.
    Duat is wrongly transliterated. It was DEAT - a feminine form. Day, dia, ziua (it was dya >dzia> ziua) - a feminine noun. It denotes light, the root is European.
    Furthermore, we have Rea/Rya/ Reya/ Re/ Ra, who was a female deity - the Sphinx is a woman, Sekhmet. This is of Saka (Kurgan) origin. A tiger, given the stripes (tigers existed in Anatolia until 1970 and in the area North of the Black Sea until the Middle Ages). The Pyramid texts indicate a "lioness" with stripes. A tiger...
    These myths originated 40k years ago in Europe - the "Lionman" of Hohlenstein-Stadel is Reea.
    We have traces of this in Greece mythology - goddess Rhea was associated with a lion. We have evidence in Egypt - Reea/Rya/Reya/ Ra/ Re was Sekhmet, the Sphinx.

    By establishing clear evidence of a link between all these cultures, we establish a common ground, a common origin. DNA tests are the answer.
    And then, by comparing what all these myths have in common, including linguistic evidence, we can accurately reconstruct the myths of old Europe.
    I think Narmer was Anatolian, a Horus worshipper. I also think Amen and Atum might be of Anatolian origin - and you already linked the symbolism. I think you're absolutely right.
    All Narmer's soldiers carry standards with Horus (Here in Egyptian). Furthermore, Horus is above the Sphinx - Sekhmet, a tiger, who was worshipped in Memphis for thousands of years. The symbolism indicates the fall of the North, the Delta region.
    Palermo Stone indicates a King Saka (transliterated as Ska by some), which is absolutely an attestation of the word in predynastic Egypt. It is the clear evidence of a Saka (Kurgan) presence and they must have been quite numerous since they established a city and had their own king.
    Memphis City was founded before 3150 BCE. It was definitely predynastic.
    It makes sense now - and I think the Lionman of Germany is Reea - Sekhmet and it's the oldest depiction of the myth, dated to around 40k years ago.
    Upon unification of Egypt, myths mixed and Reea, a female solar goddess became associated with Amen, Atum, etc - all variations of a sun cult from other areas.
    This explains the fragmented cults of predynastic and dynastic Egypt.
    Two triads emerged - Memphis, the North (Lower Egypt) had Sekhmet, Ptah and their son, Nefertum. The South had Amen, Maat and their son. They were the most important deities, considering the importance of the cities where they were worshipped.

    Above all, I think the round Tartaria tablet depicts Eses (Isis) and the female statuettes found all across Europe for 40k years represent her - the goddess of rebirth. The swirls present on some female statuettes indicate chakras - the energy of the soul, a concept preserved in India, but its origin is Europe, 40k years ago.

    Diana Aten

  14. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0092867420305092
    This paper indicates a gene flow from Anatolia into Levant in the 3rd millennium BCE.

    Compilation of ancient DNA:

    Carbon dating shows ancient Egypt's rapid expansion

    279 Ancient Eurasians DNA. Table 2 lists YDNA and mtDNA.

    Diana Aten

  15. I think we can compare the myths of Egypt and Greece and bring in the linguistic evidence.
    Greece clearly changed the myths at a point, when the older deities were demoted by Zeus and the Olympians. But it had 2 older generations of deities. I think Europe worshipped Nut and Geb as first deities – the sky and the earth – evidence all cave paintings of animals and constellations…
    We have a word that is at least 40000 years old – Egyptian nuatpat or noatpat = noapte, nacht, night, notte, nuit, etc.
    In Greek night is “nichta” –feminine noun. (pronunciation)
    In Russian “notch” – feminine. (pronunciation)

    So, in proto-European, “night” was feminine, exactly like Egyptian "noatpat" (wrongly transliterated as Nut), which preserved that first myth. The pattern is consistent. 
    German preserved the old myth in the expression “fatherland”.

     Greece changed the role of Gaia and Uranus, but preserved Gaia as goddess of creation.Then, the second generation is represented by Rhea and Cronus – which is why I think Rhea was a solar deity, since Sun and time are related. Rhea is associated with a lion figure – so the myth was originally identical to Egyptian one and Egyptian Reya/Reea/Re/Ra was a woman – Sekhmet, who is the Sphinx (the Pyramid texts indicate a lioness with stripes on her neck, 3 in number, which is the Egyptian plural => many stripes => tiger). 
    Rhea lost her role as solar goddess when Zeus and the Olympians appeared - Apollo took over her role.  
    Egyptian Reya/Reea/Re/Ra/ Rya (all recorded variations, dictionaries list the first two, Rya in cuneiform) lost her role when Egyptians merged her with Amen.

    I think this is what the Lionman of Hohlenstein-Stadel depicts. The first representation of Reya/Reea/Ra/Re/ Rya, preserved in Greece as Rhea.  I also think this is the time when we can trace proto-European through the word "night". Aurignacian was a culture spread all across Europe and parts of Asia and it is possible they spoke the same language. 
    Their fertility goddess was the night sky, whose role was taken over by Isis much later on - if I use Egyptian to read the Tartaria round tablet, which predates the Egyptian script by about 2000 years, the version would be "Eses" - strikingly similar to Esesat > Esesa of Egypt. Another variant of her name was Esat. By the time Greek recorded Isis, Esesat had become Esesa. 



    The snake symbols found at GT (and much later, Kurgan cemeteries) could represent the concept of rebirth, associated with Isis and Osiris (Esesat >Esesa in Egyptian, Osiris was Ares/?sare. I don't know the exact transliteration of the first symbol used, but we can look at Aesir - the Norse line of deities (because there is a DNA and linguistic connection between Saka and Norsemen, the Kurgan expansion across Western Europe, where their DNA is prevalent nowadays), and the Greek Osiris, so probably closer to Ae, especially when we compare it with the other variant of the name - Ares, which is identical in Egyptian and Greek. 

    Herodotus was correct to state Greece took their deities' names from Egyptians - but how did this happen remains to be established - was it during the Saka (Kurgan) expansion into Western Europe, or via trade and cultural exchange? Athena is definitely a later import, from Atena, Nefertiti's real name. The oldest temple of Athena in Athens was built much later than the time she lived.

    Diana Aten

  16. The Hittite mythology had the Sun goddess of Arinna, but, like ancient Egypt, it seems that their myths varied from area to area.
    Egypt clearly did not have a unified religion, myths merged, and roles were changed (Ra of Egypt was assimilated to Amen). Greek Rhea was demoted from her role when the new generation of deities emerged.
    Atena (Nefertiti) restored the cult of Sekhmet and clearly identified with her and the Sphinx. This is the reason the cult of Amen was banned during Atenism - it was viewed as going against Maat, Cosmic Order and the original myth of Re, who was Sekhmet, the Creator, the Founder, the Healer. Sekhmet's name means feminine power. Her healing power is still preserved in modern Egypt in a word similar to her name.
    This is the reason she was depicted with an elongated face - it perfectly matches depictions of Sekhmet.
    All those statues of Sekhmet ordered by Amenhotep III were to honour his daughter, Atena (Nefertiti), whose name was erased from them. This is a consistent pattern - only Atena's and Akhenaten's names were erased by Horemheb, who claimed their regnal years, along with their accomplishments.

  17. Further evidence is on Narmer's Palette - on one side, the Sphinx is depicted. On the other, two lionesses - clearly female and clearly representing the Sphinx, the symbol of the North (Mht = North, the Delta and it appears in the Pyramid Texts). Under them, Narmer is depicted as a bull with male parts, and so is the Delta King he is smiting. The representation of the Sphinx as female in this scene is very clear, in my opinion.
    The city depicted as a round enclosure is Memphis, which is South of Giza, where Sekhmet was patron deity. The Egyptian name was Minfred, Min + fre, enduring/ever lasting and beautiful. The pyramid like symbol at the end of the name is a D.


    The symbolism of Narmer's Palette is strikingly similar to GT, including the vulture symbol - Horus, which is what makes me think Narmer was Anatolian.
    Horus was never the Sphinx, it represents Narmer and his victory over the land whose symbol was the Sphinx. All Narmer's soldiers have Horus standards.
    Another interesting aspect - his Lady of Armies, whose name is indicated - Etiat, Bed. The feminine particle AT, along with her hair and clothes indicate a woman. This is a priceless glimpse into Anatolian society at the time, in my opinion.

    Turin King list mentions "followers of Horus" before Menes (Mina, as Herodotus stated, is the accurate transliteration). I think this includes Narmer. He is not Mina/Menes. But I think he is the one who unified Egypt, or, at least, conquered the area around Memphis, ruled by the King depicted equal in size to Narmer. Interestingly, the first symbol of that King's name appears at Cuina Turcului (far predating Egypt, older than GT). Some assume it is T, I am guarded about it, but if it is, his name would be "Tesh". In fact, that particular T would render the name "Taesh". But that symbol is identical with Cuina Turcului, and it is not identical to the symbol TA ... However, the symbol TA might have evolved from this symbol.

    Another particular linguistic evidence is Egypt's name - the one they really used - Ta-ma-re--a-esh. Ta means land, Mareaesh (I think it became Maresh) is strikingly similar to River Mures (pronounced Muresh), whose ancient name is attested and this is important, as it was linked to Cucuteni-Trypillia territory....

    ta-ma-re-a-esh. The last symbol indicates location.
    The rectangle was not transliterated, it is "esh" and it means "garden".

    However, Semitic languages - Hebrew and Arabic, preserved different names- Mizraim and Misr, linked, in my opinion, to the expression "ms Re", "mosa Ra/Re", "child of Ra/Re". A similar phrase was used in a very important royal title "Son/Daughter of Ra/Re" preceding one of the cartouches.

    Considering the DNA evidence which proves an Anatolian presence in Egypt, along with Europeans, and the symbolism found on Narmer's Palette, the "Horus followers" in the Turin King List (which is from Dynasty 19, so much later), I think Narmer is Anatolian or of Anatolian origin.

    Currently, the many items found in Canaan are assumed to be Egyptian in origin, but I think they represent the trail of migration. It culminated a few centuries before Narmer and it would explain HOW Egypt rapidly evolved from hunter-gathers and pastorals into a state with writing....

    At this point, I think the symbols found at GT constitute a proto-script. Cuina Turcului site predates GT and I am certain the Danube script was present. Also, tablets with the Danube script were found at GT - thus indicating a strong cultural link between the two areas.
    The Danube script has its origin in the 40,000 years old symbols of Europe, which are definitely a proto-script...

  18. You're absolutely right about Cancer being associated with the Sun. There is evidence in ancient Egypt - Cancer is represented/ruled by Khepre, the young Sun, the beetle.
    It is a water sign, thus associations with rivers and seas. It is a feminine symbol, the Sun was a goddess in predynastic Egypt - Sekhmat ( in the Delta region).
    The Sun ruled Cancer long ago, they were one and the same.
    There is also linguistic evidence to support this.

    Diana Aten

  19. I sent you a very important photo.
    Atenism depicted Light as wave, using the water symbol (two symbols, a dual plural, to signify the dual nature of Light).
    It is possible the item held by Atena (Nefertiti) represents a particle of Light.
    The association of Light (Aten) and water is obvious in this case, but there is more evidence.

    Akhenaten's throne name contains the symbol of Khepre, the young Sun, associated with Cancer.

    Diana Aten

  20. Could the round Tartaria tablet be an astronomical/astrological chart?

    The comet-like symbol appears at Cuina Turcului, dated between 12k-14k BP.

    The 40k European symbols were preserved in astrology - the symbol for Aquarius is the water symbol in dual plural (which appears in the Danube script), that in Egyptian would be read "Ani" (not Anu). The swirl is currently Cancer.

    Gobekli Tepe tablets:

    I think this represents Aquarius...
    Both symbols are from the 40k European script and appear in the Danube script, too.
    The NNN is the water symbol in Egypt.

    Diana Aten


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